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Holiday Sales

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Ask Jessica A Question - It's FREE
When preparing for the upcoming holiday selling season, there are always questions about how to get the most out of your Internet selling effort. Here is a chance to ask the expert ... Jessica our lead digital marketing analyst, will answer a question about how you can utilize the internet to get more customers to your door.

Typical questions include how to attract more shoppers to your "store location", what call-to-action content will entice shoppers to travel to your physical location, technical questions regarding your website, how to better use Google AD's and any other question you may have regarding digital marketing of your product.

This is all about increasing revenue! One of the comments that we often receive from tree growers and holiday shop owners ... "we really don't need the internet because we normally sell out all our stock by the first week of December.

Marty, our sales and marketing strategist answer to this is: "If you are sold out of trees and holiday stock by the first week of December you are leaving a lot of money on the table ... you screwed up your sales / inventory projections, you are not charging enough for your product or both. You get this right ... we will make sure you sell it and make a lot more money!"

A few of Jessica's more recent accomplishments include ...

  • First in the industry to develop Holiday Sales website guidelines for mobile devices ... currently 78%+ individuals use their phone to search a site before purchasing of a Christmas Tree or related holiday item.
  • Created and/or assisted in the development of over forty(40) highly successful Christmas tree / Holiday sales website and marketing projects.
  • Maintains YellowBird's extensive 10+ year database on the Holiday Shopper's search patterns, online buying preferences and competitive analysis
  • Authored "call-to-action" digital content for more that 80 web projects.
  • Developed and managed search campaigns that have produced a  more than doubling of "organic" (non-paid) web traffic.
  • Created and managed more than 100 successful email marketing campaigns.
    • Ask Jessica ...

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