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Helping Businesses Like Yours


Holiday Sales

Checkout our Existing Website Tune-up

And here is the BEST PART ...
Through December 31, 2021, Take $200 off the regular Website Tune-up price of $699.
The Website Tune-up is just $499 Through December 31, 2021!

W ebsite Tune-up is one of our most popular services ... With the Website Tune-up we analyze your existing website and guide you on ways to make it better. If you have an existing website that you like, but is not producing the volume of sales that it should, there is absolutely no reason to incur a lot of time and expense in a redoing the entire site. One of our staff will help you adjust your site to increase traffic to your physical store, increase sales if you have an online eCommerce section, and make your website more secure.

This is what you might expect from a website tune-up:

» An increase in the number of customers visiting your website and subsequently more customers visiting your shop.

» More shoppers buying your products online through your eCommerce store.

» Significant cost savings with your Internet advertising effort and your current website operating & maintenance expenditures.

» Best Holiday sales year ... ever!

Several years back a local student set up a website for our business. It looked great, however, it brought in very few customers. The YellowBird Tuneup people made it not only a great site, but one that is now attracting a fair number of customers - CJ Jones

Reasons ...

Why you might need to tuneup your existing website ...

1 Current website is not listed on Search Results Page One!
FACT: Christmas tree & Holiday shoppers overwhelmingly use the Internet to search for your business. 2/3rds of these shoppers will click on the top 4 business listings of the first search results page. If you're not there, an examination of your website might be in order. NOTE: You cannot determine search results from your "home" location! Google gives the highest priority to "local" and there is nothing closer to your business than your home office. Contact us for an accurate "search ranking" report.

2 Not Compatible With Mobile!
Currently, 72% of shoppers searching for live Christmas trees & Holiday items do so using their mobile phone. If your website loads slow, looks "funky", or scrolls horizontally on a mobile device, these mobile shoppers will quickly proceed to a competitor's website. A website tune-up will correct this and bring these shoppers to your door.

3 A Confused Shopper Buys Elsewhere!
If a visitor to your website does not immediately see what you are offering for sale, why he/she should buy from you, and very clear driving directions to your physical location, the shopper will become confused and proceed to a competitor's website. A website tune-up will quickly fix these issues.

4 Stats are the Magic Bullet!
Not reviewing why shoppers visit your website, what they like/dislike on your site and why they do/do not buy from you is akin to entering an auto race with a pushcart. You are simply not competitive and you will lose business because of it. A YellowBird marketing professional can help you gather website stats, analyze these stats and use the information to greatly increase business revenue.

5 One Break in = One Lost Year
A recent experience ... Eddie Wayne, owner of the largest tree farm in his county, was forecasting record sales for the coming year. He became concerned when Thanksgiving weekend came and went with disappointing sales. Then an old customer stopped by and commented that his website displayed a malicious activity message and was not currently available. With no security measures in place, he "lost" the entire season. A website tune-up will provide a guide to a safe and secure website.

How we go about tuning up your website ...

STEP #1: Local Market Analysis

We analyze the market in the area in which you draw customers. Your existing site analytics are combined with our extensive regional holiday sales database to determine who is buying, what they are buying, and how they search for a place to buy. With this information, we can create a detailed definition of your market, how you should define yourself in that market, how to position your website within that market and how you should position yourself against your competition. Just remember ... "to play, you must understand the playing field"

STEP #2: Search Behavior Analysis

We look at how a shopper searches the internet to find the product/service they desire. Your website must be listed on page one of the search results ... seldom does a buyer look at search results beyond page one. Once your buyer's search habits are determined, it's possible to make website revisions to improve to get more "page 1" search placement.

STEP #3: Viewer Behavior Analysis

We determine your website's "bounce rate". A high bounce rate indicates that shoppers are finding your website but, after reading, decide to look further. This basically comes down to ... a shopper visits your website with questions about you and your product, are you providing the answers? If you have a high bounce rate, are content writers can make suggestions for improvement.

STEP #4: Security Analysis

What security measures are in place to protect the website against malicious intrusion. Worst case: a hacker places malicious software on your website that infects other sites or your viewer's device, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) discovers this and "black-lists" your site. You have just lost your entire holiday selling season!

STEP #5: Deliverables

First off your site will be reviewed and outlined by a senior staff member. Next a complete web software analysis will be completed and the results tallied into an evaluation report. This Website Tune-up Report will contain both short term and long term specifics on how you can improve your website and specific suggestions (with examples) on how to fix any problems

Depending on the site and information available, your report will contain the following categories:

» Branding and Homepage (12 Evaluation Items)

» Conventions & Navigation (12 Evaluation Items)

» Content (18 Evaluation Items)

» Server Hosting & Security (4 Evaluation Items)

Remember our Site Programming Staff is always available to help!